St. Catherine of Alexandria, was a young martyr of the faith at the age of 18 years old. She lived in Alexandria in Egypt and was part of a noble family. During this time, the Emperor Maximian would persecute people for being Christian. St. Catherine approached Maximian to denounce his awful actions. When she did this, instead of killing her -- as the Emperor did to the many other Christians for rebelling against his actions -- he gathered 50 pagan philosophers and he set a debate with her. During this debate, St. Catherine defended the faith and converted many of these philosophers to Christianity.

This caused Maximian to become angry with St. Catherine, so he sent her to be imprisoned. He subjected her to numerous methods of torture, but she was cared for by angels and protected by Jesus. During this time, more than 200 people visited her in prison, and she chose to continue to teach these people about Jesus. The Emperor decided if he couldn't sway her by torture he would convince her by marriage, so he came and proposed to St. Catherine. However, she refused to accept this proposal because she wanted to be consecrated to Jesus. This was a great offence, and so Maximian sent her to be executed on a breaking wheel. As soon as she touched the wheel, it shattered. The Emperor then ordered her to be beheaded, and she herself ordered it to begin. Rather than blood, a milk-like substance is said to have flowed from her neck.

After reading the story of St. Catherine of Alexandria, she gave me much courage and hope. Her heroic actions in defending the faith against so many people have made me realize that God will equip us no matter what the circumstances are. Her bravery and loyalty to the faith is something I find truly inspiring. In times of prayer, I often turn to her to help me to be more courageous, and to not be afraid to spread the Gospel to others. As Patron Saint of teachers and students, I have found her intercession especially helpful, since I am currently a student at the University of Ottawa, and I hope to be a teacher one day! I look to her when in need of strength and encouragement to teach others and to learn more about the faith. She has truly helped me during difficult times and when I am feeling discouraged.

St. Catherine of Alexandria, pray for us!